Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bill! Bill! Bill!

It might sound crazy what I'm 'bout to say...but I want to lick Bill Nye's face. 

Let me explain... 
So...remember when I started this blog and I said that it was sort of my diary.  And I've only ever used a diary to rant or wallow? 
Well, since I've haven't had much to rant or wallow about lately, I am having to draw inspiration for posts from unusual places.  And it is feeling a bit foreign and maybe lame and maybe write about stuff that doesn't make me mad or sad.  But I'm TOTALLY okay with that because I'm happy (see video below); just bear with me as I figure it all out, okay?
Did you dance a little? 
Be honest.  It's kind of a silly song, but you can't help but dance a little.
"Alright, what's this about Bill Nye?" you ask.
Not much really.  I just had a moment today.  One of those teacher moments where you just need a break from talking to 6-year olds....just want to sit down for a minute...wish you were at home in bed...think, the educational quality of a video is far superior to anything I am capable of right now. And you don't REALLY care what the video is about, you just want it to be loosely tied to a learning target, so that (heaven for bid), someone important walks in, you can play it off like it was all part of some genius plan!!
Anyway, that happened.  Not the important person walking in part, just the moment were I needed a video.  And luckily I had a Bill Nye video about forces and motion that I was able to pop in the good ol' VCR.  The kids were loving it.  They think Bill is hilarious.  They might actually be gaining some new academic vocabulary because, if I can say one thing about Bill, it's that he is really good at repeating the science words that go along with the concept being taught.  
Well, whether or not they gained anything, here is what I took away from the video:
I want some pie.
And today, at about 1:14pm, I would have been willing to lick it right of of Bill Nye's skinny little face.   
In the video, he got hit in the face with a pie.  And then they replayed it over and over and OVER again in slow motion.  Because Bill is good at repetition, remember? And it started making me very hungry.
And I imagined it was lemon meringue.


  1. I love that song! Just makes you HAPPY!
    Teaching with Giggles

  2. You made me so happy! I love that song, and I LOVE Bill Nye! Hats off to you all day with your family of 6 year olds... I have 14 year olds all day but not the SAME 14 year olds for more than two periods. :) I love the peek into first grade!
