Sunday, March 23, 2014


I've been feeling very guilty since I haven't posted anything in close to a month.  There are a few reasons, none of them great...but enough to keep me away.  Mostly I'm exhausted by the time I get home from work and even typing feels like it would require too much energy. 
Anyhow, I owe you.  I owe your blogs a visit...I think about many of you often and wonder how you're doing and feel very crummy that l've fallen behind on your blogs.  And, I owe you all a decent post someday soon.  I owe you because I feel like this is the place and the community that saw me through some of my darkest days.
So, I will write more soon...probably on one of these topics that has been swimming around in my head for awhile:
*Start with a Dot...
*The Reason
*11(ish) week ultrasound appointment
*Things that keep me up at night
*Impulsions (is that a word?) and aversions
Anyhow, until then I want you to know:
1. I am still pregnant!!!  (Yay and phew!)
2. I am so in love with this little person.
3. Conferences start on Friday and I am SO NOT READY!!!  This is going to be a busy week and I may not get around to any posts until the weekend...unless I am procrastinating...which is a very real possibility.  So stay tuned.
Until then, check out this cute baby!!!
This is Dot when Dot was still just a dot.  Or a tube, I guess.  These photos are from our first appointment at 6.5 weeks.  We got to see the heartbeat, tube of a baby, and the yolk sack.

Can you believe how much this kid grew in a month?!?!  This was this past Tuesday at 10 weeks 5 days.  I kind of think we are a little further (like a week) along because I've had some conflicting measurements...and, well, I'm pretty darn sure I know EXACTLY when this baby was made (within 72 hours). cute are those little crossed feet?



  1. It's incredible how quickly they go for blob to baby! So happy that all is well!

    1. Thanks!! Having the baby look like a baby did a lot to put my mind at ease....ish!

  2. Good to hear from you! I was hoping to hear your little Dot is still doing well.

  3. Whoa! I missed this! Congratulations--that is amazing news!
