Friday, January 31, 2014

Holy Cow

Hallelujah and Holy Cow you guys!!!  Guess what?!?!  The ultrasound tech said I ovulated this month!?!?
A couple other, more profane, "holy ___"  phrases came to mind after my date with the wand today...but I figured no one would want to see the accompanying images.
I had a follow-up ultrasound today to check on the status of my cyst before moving forward with any Clomid cycles.  Last time the tech hardly said a word, but this time I was with a gal who was a little more talkative.  Our conversation went something like this:
U/S Tech:  Hi, how are you today?
Me: Fine thanks, how are you?
Tech: Good thanks.  So what's going on today, are we just checking up on that cyst?
Me: I think so...blah blah blah.
Tech: Have you been having any pain?
Me: No, not since that last episode...I've had one period since the last appointment and am on Cycle Day 35 of this cycle.
Blah, blah, blah...empty bladder...blah, blah...
Tech: Okay, well, undress from the waist down...blah, blah, blah.
Tech: I'm going to...blah, blah, blah...warm lube...blah, blah, blah...shouldn't hurt, let me know if it does...blah, blah, blah...scoot your butt down to the end of the table (maybe she left out the word butt...toosh maybe??)..Do you have plans for the weekend?
Me:  Superbowl...blah, blah...husband has been sick...blah, blah...might just be us...blah, about you?  
Tech: Don't really care...blah, blah...but husband invited like 8 guys...blah, blah...I'll invite a few of the spouses...blah, blah...there'll be 14 kids between three of us, so it'll be pretty busy!
Me: <Damn, that's a lot of kids.>
Tech: Looks good...let me move this...blah, blah...sorry, your left ovary is way over here...looks good though...cyst is gone...blah, blah...
Me: (attempting to keep the conversation going and avoid awkward silence) I never know how you all tell what you're looking at...
Tech: Ha ha ha...lots of practice...blah, blah, blah...greyscale...blah,'s your right ovary...looks like you ovulated from the right this month...

<SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!>  Woah...really?!  That doesn't normally can tell?
Tech: Yeah, if you've ovulated in the last week or two we can see the little sack that released the egg.
I don't remember the rest because
Ever since I have been off of BC, there has been no sign that I've been ovulating with/without Clomid.  Granted, the first 6 or 7 months I didn't know the signs of ovulation or do anything to check...but once I started charting and getting blood work done it was always the same: no egg.  Looking back at those first 6 or 7 months, knowing what I know now, I can guess with pretty good certainty that I didn't ovulate during them either.
So...holy cow you guys! This feels BIG!!  Egg-specially because this was an organic egg (unless you count Metformin and Nyquil)!!  Unfortunately, between my husband and I being sick since Christmas and feeling like this was "a break", I'm sure we missed this egg.  I have an appointment with my doctor Tuesday to discuss the ultrasound (he was booked today) and will be going in with notes and will be ready to make a plan for what we're doing next.  My hope tank just got filled to the brim!
And now, a couple random questions for people (all too) familiar with the wand:
1.  Are the lights always dimmed when you have an ultrasound?  Last time I went in and the lights were dimmed and at first I was a little creeped out, but then appreciated it because it felt a little more private.  Today, I went in and the awful fluorescent lights were on and I felt immediately more embarrassed to be naked from the waist down.  Luckily, when the tech returned, she dimmed the lights.  
2.  Is privacy a funny thing to even think about when you've got your legs in stirrups and you lady bits out?
3.  They ask you to empty your bladder...can they do I say this without being gross?  Can they tell if the other department has been emptied too?  I'm not saying anything.  I'm just asking.
4.  How much...ummm...grooming should be done before an appointment where you'll have things "out"?  I go crazy brushing and flossing my teeth before a dental appointment...but I don't even shower or style my hair before an appointment at the salon.  So what's the right amount of prep work here?  You don't want it to look like you're trying too you got all vagazzled just for a rendezvous with medical equipment.  I get things spruced up, but not like one might for a hot date.
5.  Both times I've been in the garbage can is needs to be emptied when you throw away your tissues you worry they might topple onto the floor but you don't really want to press them down because you don't want to rub up against someone else's tissues, so you end up doing this dainty little pinch & push thing with your pinky in the air to make sure the tissue is securely in the trash while still avoiding contact with anything else that may be lurking in that receptacle. (Whew, outta breath?)  And you know that the a bunch of it will all come spilling out anyway when some poor soul does come to empty it because it has one of those lids with the hole in it that sticks up a good 5 inches from the top of the actual can.  Has anyone else noted this?  Is this common in ultrasound rooms?
6.  What do you do with the little cover sheet and butt pad they have you sit on after your appointment?  Do you just leave it there --- a crumpled mess?  Do you throw them away in that trash can that is full to the brim?  I folded them up and left them on the table...obviously not like new, but so nobody has to touch the lube that leaked out.  Yeah, I just said that. 
7.  I'll end on a more sentimental note...anyone else spend a good portion of the appointment imagining what it will be like to  be in that room, with your husband in that chair beside you--holding your hand and looking at your baby? 
Holy cow!  Won't that be something?



  1. I'm laughing so rediculously hard right now! Nice work ovulating - that met.formin works wonders- hellish little pill that it is! Those questions? I'm dying- I could have written every last one if them when I was new to the wand. Let's see.... 1. Yes, always dimmed, it's super hard to read the ultrasound with the lights on 2. So funny! I always fold my underwear and tuck them into my folded pants... As if my undies are some big secret- meanwhile my vagina is on full display. 3. Yes, i think they are able to tell, but it isn't of issue like your bladder. 4. I think "tidy" is fine. 5. Full- always full, unless you have a super early appointment! 6. In the beginning I always tossed them-- then there was the trash issue, in the end I left it all on the table somewhat neatly, but obviously used. 7. Thought about it always.... And it is, the very best thing EVER!

    1. I actually thought of you when I put on my socks for the appointment and folded up my undies in my jeans:)

  2. I love this! I always tell you how much I LOVE reading your blog, and it is so fun to read this one and hear the EGGcitement in your voice. No matter what the situation or your feelings are, good or bad, you are a very good writer, but in this one I also love the pictures! Ha! And the questions- oh man, makes me think about even just a yearly check up and having to think about most of those. We will have to have some discussion over drinks- lol. Thanks for the great start to my day!

    1. I'll definitely need a drink before talking about that stuff out loud...but I'm totally game!

  3. Ahh!! Congratulations on ovulating! That really is big (as sad as it kind of sounds as I type it), but I'm not positive I've ovulated in years, so I understand!! I have no ultrasound experience, but I've wondered about these things even at regular Dr. appts (for pap smears and things). Like...why do I even have this huge sheet on my lap? She's just going to push it up and stare into my lady bits. Why this fake "privacy sheet?" And should I fold it again with the gown after I get dressed? Obviously it's going to be laundered, but I don't want to look like a slob either. Also, I always shave everything before dr.'s appts. I don't know why. It's dumb (and my husband makes fun of me). I'm sure she's seen worse--but maybe she hasn't. I don't want to have the most unkempt vagina out there!

    I'm glad other people worry about these things too (but I'm sorry you have to)!

  4. Congrats on your organic egg! You had me laughing so hard!!! I wonder all the same things. I appreciate the dimmed lights because then the grooming (or not) is less apparent, although I notice the nurses don't really look, they do it all under the sheet, and so I don't worry too much about that. I think they are too far front to see your colon, but they can totally see if your bladder has filled up again (once I had to wait a long time on the table due to another emergency and mine filled right back up and they sent me back out to empty it again, which is just EMBARRASSING, and then they told me I had a normal sized bladder not a small one, but seriously then WHY does it fill up so fast? And how come I can hold it all school day but I have to go 8 billion times when I have an ultrsound? And do you worry about farting on the table? Because I am TERRIFIED of that). And yes. I dream of the heartbeat appointment. The magical graduation appointment. May it come soon for both of us!

    1. Oh no!! I didn't even think of THAT! THAT would be the worst! Now I will:/...I have a "retroverted" uterus, meaning it tilts back instead of I still wonder a bit if they are indeed far enough forward, if you know what I mean! And cheers to hearing heartbeats soon!

  5. YEAH!!!! So Eggciting! I have no answers to your questions but thanks for the laughs! So happy to hear your excitement in this post!
